Simplify Sweets

Your simple solution to Ending the Sugar craze in Your Kids

A coaching program by Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC, Maternal Health & Child Feeding Specialist

Ready to feel more confident about how you're handling sweets in your home with a simplified approach to sugar?


Stressed over sweets?

Have you caught your child sneaking sweets and are unsure what to do?

Worried about your child eating too much sugar?

How do you respond to repeated requests for sweets without your child feeling restricted?

What if your child is obsessed with desserts and all things sugar are up on a pedestal?

What is the best way to manage sugar with your kids so that you’re supporting their health AND a positive relationship with food?


If you’re ready to let go of the control and fear of sweets to help your child have a healthy relationship with food, this program is for you!


You don't have to sacrifice health to help your child feel positive about all foods. 

And you don't have to compromise a healthy relationship with food by withholding sweets.

There's a better way, and I can't wait to show you how.

Imagine if…

  • Your child isn’t ruled by sweets when you go to birthday parties

  • The nagging, whining, and power struggles over sweets stops for GOOD

  • Your child stops sneaking sweets and eating sweets in secret

  • Your kids learn how to eat in tune with their bodies

  • You could find the balance between allowing sweets alongside nutritious foods to help your child enjoy a variety

  • You could end the obsessions your children have with sugar so they have interest in other activities

  • You had the stress-free strategies to create structure around sweets without your child feeling restricted


end the sugar craze

Kids & sugar can be a recipe for confusion & chaos - but it doesn’t have to be this way.

If you’re ready to feel more confident in how you approach sugar with your kids and end the chaos around sweets for good, this program is for you!

I’ll guide you through a proven 5 part framework you can use to simplify sweets in your home today!

I never knew how to best respond to my kids, who were constantly asking for desserts and candy. Crystal’s straightforward approach gave me the confidence I needed to handle desserts in a way that is keeping the sanity in our house, and more importantly, helping my kids have a positive relationship with food.
— Melissa H, mom of 3

By the end of the program, you’ll have the tools to create structure & support with sweets so that:


Desserts are not something to stress about or argue over with your kids

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Your children are capable of learning how to self-regulate their sugar intake

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You can end any obsessions or preoccupations your children may have around sweets


You Find the balance between allowing sweets alongside nutritious foods to help your child enjoy a variety


Here’s what’s included…

- 6 self-paced workshop sessions, lead by Crystal, to guide you through the Simplify Sweets Strategies

- Worksheets, checklists and prompts to help you implement the strategies you're learning

- Connection with community of like-minded parents for ongoing support and accountability

- Lifetime access to all the modules & materials

This has worked so well for our family! My 8 year old would ask for sweets CONSTANTLY, and I’d often find her sneaking them or hiding them in her room. We’ve followed your strategies, and this obsession around sweets has gotten so much better. The whining for sweets has completely stopped!
— Laura W, Mom of 2

Simplify sweets in your home and end the sugar obsession in 3 easy steps


Frequently Asked Questions:

+ How long do I have access to the course?

Enrolling in the program guarentees you life-long access to these materials. This allows you to go through the content at your own pace and rewatch any videos as needed.

+ Can I use my phone to go through the program?

The content for this program can be accessed on any smart device. The program is made with your busy schedule in mind, so you can easily get through the materials and connect to support.

+ What ages are these strategies for?

These strategies are applicable for all ages, including younger children and older teens. As needed, I cover ways you may need to modify for your child's age.

Thank you! Truly from the bottom of my heart for creating this course so that I can start changing the trajectory of shame/guilt around sweets in our house.
— Emily B.

Meet your guide

I’m Crystal, mama of 5 precious kiddos and your family’s Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.

As a maternal health and child feeding specialist, I’m passionate about helping you enjoy freedom with food as a family and empowering you to raise a generation of intuitive eaters who are free from diet culture.

I’ve spent the last 10 years helping families like yours move from fear to freedom with food and feeding their children.

Let’s partner together so you can cultivate the healthy habits in your home you desire your kids to follow.