Why Am I Triggered By My Child's Body and Appetite?
Feeling triggered by your child’s appetite, behaviors around food or body size? Learn more about why you’re triggered and how to manage this effectively to avoid projecting on your child
Here's Why You Don't Need to Be Teaching Kids About Nutrition
Teaching kids about nutrition might seem like a helpful way to support them toward improved health. But there are many potential ways this could backfire.
These New Year's Resolutions Can Help You Raise Body Positive Kids
Here are 5 practical steps you can take to raise body positive kids and to end the generational legacy of body shaming in your family and home.
3 Keys to Protecting Your Kids From Diet Culture During the Holidays
What is diet culture and why it’s harmful to kids? Learn 3 keys to protecting your kids from diet culture messaging during the holidays.
5 Tips for Navigating Holiday Sweets with Kids to Support Self-Regulation
Unsure how to help your kids manage the higher influx of sweets during the holidays? Here are 5 tips to support your children with self-regulating sugar.
5 Ways to Reset Your Relationship With Food During the Holidays
Feeling stuck in an unhealthy relationship with food? Learn 5 ways to reset your relationship with food during the holidays and beyond.
Your Picky Eater Thanksgiving May Look Like Nothing But Bread Rolls
Your picky eater may eat nothing but the bread rolls on Thanksgiving, and here's why that’s okay.
Your Step-by-Step Halloween Candy Game Plan to Rewrite the Script on Sweets
Worried about how to navigate the higher volume of sweets this Halloween? Learn these simple strategies to support your kids to self-regulate their sugar intake.
Why Intuitive Eating Doesn't Work? Uncovering Challenges For Moms
If you’ve wondered why intuitive eating doesn’t work, you’re not alone! Listen to this podcast episode to uncover some of the common challenges mom face that can make intuitive eating difficult.
3 Ways How to Raise a Body Positive Child
If you’ve struggled with your body image, you might worry that your body issues will become your child’s. Even if you don’t love your body, here is how to raise a body positive child.
How to Reduce Weight Stigma in Your Child's Health Care
Weight stigma in your child’s healthcare can be a contributing risk factor for eating disorders. Learn more about how to reduce weight stigma in your child’s routine appointments in this podcast episode.
How to Stop Obsessing Over Food and Weight as a Mom to Enjoy Life
Why am I so obsessed with food? Here are common reasons why and how to stop the food obsession.
Child constantly asking for food and snacks? Here’s what can help
Is your child constantly asking for food? Check out these tips to help your child feel better about food.
3 Steps to Prevent Body Shaming at Your Child’s Next Well-Check Visit
Well-check visits can be a minefield for body shaming triggers. Learn how to prevent this from happening at your child’s next doctor appointment.
How to Help a Child Having a Meltdown at Mealtimes for Better Family Meals
Meltdowns at mealtimes can be miserable for the whole family. Learn why they’re happening and easy ways to prevent them for easier family meals.
Sugar and Kids: What Does the Division of Responsibility Say About Sweets?
How do you navigate sweets with your kids when you’re trying to follow the division of responsibility approach to feeding? Check out this post for more guidance on the nuances of sugar and kids.
3 Powerful Ways to Teach Your Kids to Love Their Bodies
You can support your children in building a positive body image. Here are 3 tips to get you started.
5 Ways to Show Your Body Love , Even if You Don't Love Your Body
Being in love with your body isn’t a criteria for learning how to care for you body. Here are simple ways to show your body love - because you’re worth it.
Kids and Sweets: How Often Should I Let My Kids Have Sugar?
Learn more about a responsive approach to offering sugar to your children to help you know how often to serve them sweets.
Freedom in Your Relationship With Food: Lessons I’ve Learned
What 2021 taught me about feeding kids and food freedom as a family.