Here's Why You Don't Need to Be Teaching Kids About Nutrition
Teaching kids about nutrition might seem like a helpful way to support them toward improved health. But there are many potential ways this could backfire.
These New Year's Resolutions Can Help You Raise Body Positive Kids
Here are 5 practical steps you can take to raise body positive kids and to end the generational legacy of body shaming in your family and home.
Child constantly asking for food and snacks? Here’s what can help
Is your child constantly asking for food? Check out these tips to help your child feel better about food.
3 Steps to Prevent Body Shaming at Your Child’s Next Well-Check Visit
Well-check visits can be a minefield for body shaming triggers. Learn how to prevent this from happening at your child’s next doctor appointment.
Sugar and Kids: What Does the Division of Responsibility Say About Sweets?
How do you navigate sweets with your kids when you’re trying to follow the division of responsibility approach to feeding? Check out this post for more guidance on the nuances of sugar and kids.
Competent Eating: Raising a Competent Eater in a Clean Eating Culture
In a culture that’s obsessed with clean eating, here’s why focusing on competent eating can help you raise a healthier child.
Mealtime Struggles: What To Do When Your Kid Won’t Eat Dinner
Frustrated because your kid won’t eat dinner? Learn more about the strategies you can implement to help end the mealtime struggles.
“How Do I Get My Child to Eat Vegetables?” This Trick Can Help
Dealing with mealtime battles because you can’t get your child to eat vegetables? Try this simple pivot to end the power struggles over food with your kids.
No Added Sugar Diet: When Can Babies Have Sugar?
When can babies have sugar? Is added sugar bad for younger children? Learn more about how to navigate sweets with babies and toddlers.
Diet Culture Dropout: Best Advice for New Parents on Feeding Kids
What is diet culture and how can you parent and feed your children to help them build a positive relationship with food? Learn more in this post!
Snack Time Versus Grazing Table: How to Snack Better as a Family
Creating intentional snack times in your home can be beneficial for you and your kids. Learn some easy tips to making snack times positive and effortless for your family.
Child Always Asking For Snacks? How to Respond to the Snack Obsession
Is your child obsessed with snacking or always asking for snacks? Learn more about how to respond in a positive way and to take the stress away from snacking.
My Child Won’t Eat Anything But Junk Food: How to Deal With Snacks
Does your child only want to eat snacks? Learn helpful strategies to help you support your kids in building a healthy relationship with food, including snacks.
Pediatric Dentist Concerns: Does Sugar Cause Cavities in Kids?
Your pediatric dentist may recommend restricting sweets as a way to prevent cavities in kids, but is this effective? Learn ways to promote teeth health without limiting sweets.
Child Sneaking Sugar? What to Do When You Find Your Kids Sneaking Food
Found your kids sneaking food or caught your child sneaking sugar? Here are some common reasons why kids sneak food and what you can do to help.
End Mealtime Battles and Raise Intuitive Eaters With These Phrases
Learn these simple mealtime phrases to say to your kids to enjoy food with your family and raise intuitive eaters.
Kids Eating Candy: How to Approach Easter Candy With Your Children
Worried about your kids eating candy on holidays? Here are some strategies to help you support your kids in managing a higher volume of holiday sweets.
Child Self Esteem Activities: Building Positive Body Image for Kids
Language around bodies plays a big role in how children feel about their bodies. Learn more about how to build body confidence and self-esteem in your kids.
Should You Give Your Kids Dessert With Meals When Your Child Won’t Eat Dinner?
If your child won’t eat dinner, should you still offer dessert? Find out more about this and other answers around offering sweets with meals.
5 Reasons Why to Offer Your Kids Sweets Before They Ask For Them
Kids are often the one to ask to eat sweets, but what if this was reversed? Learn more about the benefits of you taking a proactive role in offering sweets to your children.