5 Ways to Reset Your Relationship With Food During the Holidays
Feeling stuck in an unhealthy relationship with food? Learn 5 ways to reset your relationship with food during the holidays and beyond.
How to Stop Obsessing Over Food and Weight as a Mom to Enjoy Life
Why am I so obsessed with food? Here are common reasons why and how to stop the food obsession.
3 Steps to Prevent Body Shaming at Your Child’s Next Well-Check Visit
Well-check visits can be a minefield for body shaming triggers. Learn how to prevent this from happening at your child’s next doctor appointment.
3 Powerful Ways to Teach Your Kids to Love Their Bodies
You can support your children in building a positive body image. Here are 3 tips to get you started.
5 Reasons Why Intuitive Eating Might Not Be Right For You as a Mom
Intuitive eating can be a helpful approach for healing your relationship with food; however, it may not always be appropriate for moms. Learn more about why.
Dieting Sucks: Why Diets Don’t Work And Finding Food Freedom as a Mom
Dieting sucks and yet millions of mothers are falling prey to diet culture. Learn more about how you can break free and find food freedom in your motherhood journey.
Raising Intuitive Eaters: What My Kids Teach Me About Food and Body Trust
As I raise intuitive eaters in my own children, here are some valuable lessons they’ve taught me along the way about food and body trust.
Why Healing Your Relationship With Food is the Best Gift For Your Family
One of the best gifts you could give your children is to work on healing your relationship with food. Learn more about why and how to get started.
What is a Serving Size? Here’s Why You Don’t Need to Portion Your Food
Serving sizes don’t need to dictate how much you eat. Learn how to break free from rule-bound eating.
Mt Whitney Hike: Climbing Mt Whitney Trail and Our Journey to the Top
There are certain experiences that have helped me have a deeper appreciation and respect for my body. Here’s why climbing the Mt Whitney Trail was one of them.
Weight Tracker: Why I Ditched the Scale For Good (and You Can, Too!)
If your scale is taking up too much of your precious mental space, it may be time to consider breaking up with it. Here’s why.
How to Trust Your Kids With Sweets When You’re Uncomfortable With Sugar
You may find it hard to trust your kids with sweets if sugar makes you uncomfortable. Learn more about ways to help your child build a healthy relationship with food.
Food Challenges: Tips for Moms in Eating Disorder Recovery
These tips for moms in eating disorder recovery may help you navigate some of the body image struggles and food challenges you may be facing during the pandemic.
Eating Disorder Recovery: My Story and Hope for Moms Struggling
As an eating disorder survivor, I’m sharing my story and the hope for eating disorder recovery.
Intuitive Eating 101: What is Intuitive Eating and How to Get Started
Learn more about what is intuitive eating as well as the intuitive eating principles to start your journey toward food freedom.
Postpartum Body Image Issues: How to Feel Better in Your Body Today
Postpartum body image issues are often experienced in the transition to new motherhood. Learn more about how to improve the way you feel in your body today.
How to Raise a Confident Child by Healing Your Relationship With Food
When you've healed from the areas in your past that may have made food difficult for you, you'll be more likely to build positive eating experiences for your own children.
How to Feed Yourself While You Care For Kids to Enjoy Your Motherhood
Caring for your body and mind through intuitive eating is one of the best forms of self-care to help you enjoy your motherhood.
Instead of a Diet for Kids, These Healthy Habits Create Real Change
Dieting might seem like a solution to protect your kids from a host of problems, but it comes with a hefty price. Here are better ways to help your kids with their health.
Compulsive Exercise Addiction: How Intuitive Movement Can Help You Heal
Learn more about what is compulsive exercise and how to improve your relationship with your body.