““For years I struggled with a debilitating eating disorder. After some treatment efforts, I thought I had a handle on it, and things were relatively under control. Until I had kids of my own and had to feed them. ALL. THE. TIME. So many unresolved aspects of my eating disorder came back to the surface. I found myself overwhelmed with tasks that should be simple, like cooking and planning out balanced meals for my family. Food gave me anxiety, and I became so preoccupied with and burdened by the food rules from my past. I reached out to Crystal because I wanted help moving past all that, once and for all. I wanted to be a mom that had the mental capacity to focus on my kids and what matters most in life. Crystal was everything I needed to reclaim my life from my eating disorder FOR GOOD: a mentor, teacher, guide, coach, and cheerleader - all in one! After working with Crystal, I feel like I have found the freedom I’ve always wanted that has come from healing my relationship with food and my body. Now my kids have a confident mother who enjoys food and shares that joy with them.” ”
“With a past of chronic dieting and history of disordered eating, feeding my family felt so overwhelming. I didn’t want my negative relationship with food to hurt my kids, so I sought out help from Crystal. She helped me heal my own relationship with food first so that I could build a positive feeding relationship with my kids. Meal times changed from stressful to enjoyable, and now my family looks forward to eating together. Crystal helped me gain confidence in myself and in how I feed my kids.”
“When I became pregnant, I knew I wanted to do everything possible to have a healthy baby, but all the information out there overwhelmed me. Working with Crystal gave me peace of mind during my pregnancy, as she guided me with my nutrition, eating habits and body image. Her guidance helped me not only through my pregnancy, but to successfully prepare for postpartum and breastfeeding as well. I’m so grateful I had her support to bring our healthy baby girl into the world!”
“The minute I met Crystal, I knew I was in the right place; she exudes warmth, compassion and acceptance. I have worked with multiple dietitians before but Crystal’s approach was different. She met me where I was at, gave me a big dose of love, and knew how to encourage me in the right direction. We started with meal plans and then moved towards intuitive eating. I thought I would never have a positive relationship with food and yet I now find myself no longer at war with food.”
“My time spent working with Crystal has been extremely helpful and constructive. She has been pivotal in my recovery and healing from disordered eating. Crystal always provides an open, caring and supportive atmosphere. Our work together has been life-changing.”