3 Keys to Protecting Your Kids From Diet Culture During the Holidays
What is diet culture and why it’s harmful to kids? Learn 3 keys to protecting your kids from diet culture messaging during the holidays.
Holidays with Kids: 10 Ways to Protect Your Child From Diet Culture
The holiday season can be a prime time for diet culture to sneak in. Here are 10 ways to protect your family from diet culture to enjoy food freedom.
Daniel Tiger: How Diet Culture Shows Up and How to Protect Your Kids
Diet culture is lurking in your kids’ favorite TV shows. Here’s how you can help immunize them from its harmful messages.
To the Mama Who Wants to Eat All the Holiday Treats: You Are Not Failing
You don’t need more willpower, another diet or more ways to become disciplined around sweets. Here’s what you do need.
Why Postpartum Weight Loss Doesn't Mean Wellness
What if you could take a step back and figure out how to redefine new motherhood without focusing on weight loss postpartum?
Body Diversity: The Effects of Weight Stigma in Prenatal Healthcare
All mothers deserve access to safe, non discriminatory health care to ensure that they are getting the care and attention they need without fear or shame about their body size.
How Do I Respond to My Child Who Wants to Go On a Diet?
Learn more about you can help your child, adolescent, or teenager who might be engaging in dieting behaviors.
Diet Culture: How the Diet Industry is Hurting Moms
Many mothers may struggle with poor body image and look to dieting as a solution. The effects of dieting can negatively impact the motherhood experience.